Category Archives: writing

Changing of the Leaves

For the last three and a half months, life in my house has been pretty hectic. My sister has been living with us since May, and at the end of July she became a grandmother for the first time. A … Continue reading

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Wandering Wisdumb 2

If you substantially alter who a character is, to serve a plot outline, you are not writing “character-driven” fiction.

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Searching for the Spark

My sister Kate wasn’t really my sister. She was biologically my aunt. She was also my part-time parental figure and called me her sister because my grandparents (her parents) had more to do with my upbringing than my mother did. … Continue reading

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Decisions, Decisions

I read an article at the New York Times recently about some of the factors influencing decision making – specifically, willpower and blood sugar. As a writer, I make decisions constantly. Do the characters take this path or that one? Is … Continue reading

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Continuing Education for Writers

When I was a teenager, I once ran away from home. My big day out on the town included hitching a ride from my youth minister to church and then having a friend drop me off at the library (both … Continue reading

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