Exciting times here in Ariville.
As a nurse, I often find myself sharing my specialized knowledge with my writing buddies. In years past, this happened so often that eventually it just made sense to put that information down in a more or less permanent fashion. Muse Medicine was born in 2008, with the premise that a little bit of knowledge from an expert in the field could help writers inject realism into their fiction, and find inspiration in areas they would normally not consider.
It’s gone through several different iterations in the last several years, but the one constant was me – my knowledge of medicine, psychology, childbirth and pregnancy, life and death. And now that’s changing, too.
I’m introducing contributors at Muse Medicine, to add to the content. From astrophysics to zoology, from computer security to New York City, authors are donating their valuable time and expertise to help out and inspire their fellow writers, and I couldn’t be more excited.
Contributors will be announced throughout the coming weeks, and anyone who has an expertise, no matter how broad or narrow, is welcomed to sign up. Editorial duties will be handled by yours truly, to maintain the standards of being clear, informative, and entertaining when possible. Come on over and help us give the Muse a hand.